Latest FIGO News – January 2017
January 2017 highlights –
FIGO resources’ ‘special’!
Dear Member Societies, Partners and Friends I am delighted to welcome you to the start of 2017 and trust that the year has begun well for you all!As FIGO starts work on a new strategic plan 2017-2020, and embarks on a new direction, I am keen for this to include an improved focus on building and strengthening our Member Societies, as well as our Regional Societies, recognising that by working together better, we can be more effective in changing the life outcomes for women around the world. A survey will be sent out shortly to our Member Societies to gauge their thoughts. Other stakeholders will also be consulted, ensuring our strategic direction is inclusive of all who work in women’s health.
At the same time FIGO will, over the coming months, further enhance its communications’ function and become a much stronger voice on global issues, advocating for the rights of women around the world. FIGO is uniquely placed to advocate on global issues, having consultative status with the UN and being in official relations with the World Health Organization (WHO). Later this month, I will attend the WHO Executive Board Meeting in Geneva and will update you on activities.
To illustrate this new direction, FIGO has started the process of developing a new look and modernising its ‘brand’. More information will follow over the coming months.
Finally, I am delighted to report that work on the FIGO Congress is progressing well. We look forward to welcoming you to Rio de Janeiro in October 2018 (dates to be confirmed shortly), and will keep you informed when abstracts and registration will be open.
Best wishes Johan Vos Chief Executive
FIGO staff held a Strategy Day last month to discuss the aims and goals of the organisation over the next three years.
Chief Executive Johan Vos said: ‘It was a great day, a chance for the FIGO team to brainstorm outside the office surroundings. The topics we discussed included the key drivers, trends and forces in the immediate FIGO external environment, and how FIGO can best respond to them in the years ahead.
‘FIGO is undoubtedly entering a period of great change as it adapts to the challenges ahead – we look forward to working with stakeholders towards FIGO’s vision of women of the world achieving the highest possible standards of physical, mental, reproductive and sexual health and wellbeing throughout their lives.’

As of January 2017, the IJGO, the official journal of FIGO, has begun a new publishing partnership with John Wiley and Sons Inc. Wiley, the leading society publisher, has 12 journals in its women’s health portfolio.
The Wiley website is now live at
Portuguese and Spanish translations of the chapters from the 2015 Cancer Report have been added to Wiley’s Online Library, and can be accessed at the following link.
A ‘Post Publication Notice’ has been added to the top of each chapter directing readers to the PDFs that appear in the ‘Supporting Information’ at the bottom of each chapter.

The FIGO Post-Partum IUD Initiative and the FIGO Fistula Surgery Training Initiative Newsletters regularly provide useful and up to the minute information to FIGO stakeholders on two major FIGO projects.
The PPIUD Initiative, first piloted in Sri Lanka, aims to address the post-partum contraceptive needs of women by institutionalising the practice of offering immediate post-partum Intra-Uterine Device services (IUD) in hospitals.
The Fistula Surgery Training Initiative builds the capacities of fistula surgeons in accredited training centres, using the FIGO Global Competency-Based Fistula Surgery Training Manual.
FIGO on Facebook … increasing its profile The FIGO Facebook page is a great portal of information and views – it is attracting steady traffic, and is approaching 4,000 ‘likes’. We welcome posts from colleagues and stakeholders! Visit
